
My name is Erica Barreiro. I am an Intuitive Tarot Reader, Hatha Yoga teacher, and Reiki Master. I aim to guide you through challenges, aid in healing, and empower you to create the life you desire. My focus is on helping you make wise choices that align with your best and highest good. My hope is that you live a fulfilled life and discover serenity within.

About Me

Ever since I was in 5 years old, I have had spiritual experiences. My first memory of being “different” than most was when one morning, before going to school, I distinctly remember being excited about my new skill: tying my own shoe lace. The room was dimly lit and I recall looking at the wall and seeing something that I could only describe as a foggy, static-like and grayish in color, covering the walls. I looked at other objects around the room and noticed it was everywhere I placed my gaze upon. What was this? My mother and two brothers were there at the moment but I didn’t ask them if they could see this too. Something within me told me that nobody else would know what I was talking about. I didn’t give it much thought after that- it was just a part of my daily life. At 32, I had a massive “Spiritual Awakening”. One day, I was laying on my bed on the 2nd floor of a house, staring out the window at the top of some trees. I noticed they had a whitish layer above them, and above that whitish layer was a dark gray layer that sort of pulsated and moved yet stayed static. I brought this to the attention of someone I was with, and he told me I was seeing energy. “That’s energy!?!”, I asked in astonishment. The pieces started coming together, as they do with spiritual awakenings. Things started “clicking”. What I saw when I was 5, was the same thing I was seeing at that moment.

The following year, in first grade is when my mystical experiences started ramping up. I was not at all interested in what I was being taught and would often “zone out”. When this would happen, I would receive deep, yet simple insights about the world. Sometimes, it felt like the Universe was communicating with me, other times I perceived it as a grown version of me- I now believe it was my “Higher Self”. Other times, it didn’t feel like either. Those miscellaneous times, I now can attribute to my Guides. This communication came in as clairaudience, clairvoyance. claircognizance and clairsentience. I didn’t know what the word was at the time, but I knew that what we were being taught in class was not nearly as important as what I was learning within. I later learned the word to describe what I was gaining, and it was “wisdom”. When this information is received from within, it is so deep inside you, it is undeniable and unforgettable. I made sure not to forget these experiences when my Higher Self, clairaudiantly told me, “You must remember these things.” I made it a point to repeat these lessons and memories over and over throughout my life as to NEVER forget them.

Once we are awakened, we can “fall asleep”. We know and can remember what wisdom we have acquired, but as life happens and conditioning, programming, distractions etc occur, forget temporarily. That is, until (in my experience) we are at a low point in life, sometimes rock bottom- we remember and wake up again. Often times, during these re-awakenings, we shed old habits, ways of thinking and ways of being. We will learn new information for our growth and expansion.

As I mentioned before, I had a massive awakening at the absolute lowest point in my life. This awakening, changed my whole perspective on life, and brought major awareness to my abilities. I realized that I was indeed, “psychic”. It was the most freeing and validating thing I had ever experienced. A life long dream come true- I finally knew who I was. Of course, I was “psychic” before, but not until this particular awakening, did I realize that I could see clairvoyantly- these abilities were on a totally different level now. You see, there were very limited resources on these subjects when I was a child. There was no internet, so I could only relate to the few mediums and psychics on t.v. and in movies. You were either considered crazy or a liar in the 80s and 90s.

At the age of 32, I left an extremely toxic relationship with a boyfriend at the time and stopped mistreating myself. I moved from New York City, to my parents new home in Florida. Being in a place with loving, supportive parents, sunshine and the chance at a new beginning fueled my desire to heal myself, and others by focusing on my life path an purpose. Reiki was first on my list. I became a Reiki Master under Rev. Sara Urbina with a direct lineage to Mikao Usui ( the Father of Reiki itself). I had always been interested in Yoga and flexibility. As far back as I could remember, I loved contorting my body in wild positions (many of which turned out to be actual Yoga poses)- it was a talent of mine. At this point in my journey, I now was making the body and mind connection when it came to this practice. I was now in a place where inner peace, balance and patience were paramount. I added Registered Yoga Teacher to my “spiritual toolbelt”. I received my training at the well known and respected, Lotus Pond in Tampa, Florida. Teaching Yoga brought me out of my shell and gave me the confidence I needed in order to take the next step; exploring and practicing, intuition, psychism, and mediumship.

I wasn’t sure which route to go first; trance channeling and channeling, psychic readings seemed insurmountable at the time. Then, along came tarot. I had always had an interest in it and had gotten some readings in the past. When I heard that you can Intuitively read tarot, I was all in. Fast forward to where I am now, using my “clairs” and intuition to give thoughtful, accurate and helpful readings. I am also a medium in training. I can’t wait to help give you and your loved ones the guidance, clarity and messages from the Divine. Thank you for trusting in me.

